Arbitration and Mediation

Arbitration and mediation are methods of alternate dispute resolution. This means the issue or issues in controversy are resolved without court intervention. The methods are similar, but yet there are significant differences.

a puzzle piece that says mediation taken out of the puzzle


Many contracts have clauses stating that both parties agree to arbitration if there is ever a dispute, which means arbitration is then mandatory. Other times, the court docket is backed up so the parties voluntary agree to arbitration. They select an unbiased third party who will hear and accept evidence from both parties and make a decision to resolve the issue. It is like a miniature trial. The decision of the arbitrator is binding and the legal process is over.


Mediation involves an impartial third party who meets with the parties in an attempt to help them come to their own resolution of their issues. The mediator does not give legal advice, but gives guidance. The process is confidential. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement and decide to take their case to court, the mediator may not be called as a witness.

At Pashos Law, LLC, Ted Pashos is a trained mediator. We can also help with arbitration as well as with mediation. Contact our offices today – we serve metropolitan St. Louis, Missouri and surrounding counties.

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